Adding and Removing Indexes in MongoDB Atlas

Good morning!
I have a question.
I am using MongoDB Atlas in my environments, and recently I received a suggestion to add two more indexes and remove indexes that haven’t been used for over 21 days. This change aims to improve performance for new searches on MongoDB. Is this a good idea? Or is there a chance it could break anything?

  • List of indexes recommended for addition:

Collection pritunl-vpn.servers_output:
server_id: 1
timestamp: -1
}Collection pritunl-vpn.hosts_usage:
host_id: 1
period: 1
timestamp: 1

  • List of indexes recommended for removal:

Index Name: last_active_1_name_1
last_active: 1
name: 1
Index Name: auth_token_1
auth_token: 1
Index Name: roles_1
roles: 1
Index Name: token_1
token: 1
Index Name: channel_1
channel: 1
Index Name: timestamp_-1
timestamp: -1
Index Name: domain_1
domain: 1
Index Name: virt_address_num_1
virt_address_num: 1
Index Name: runner_id_1
runner_id: 1
Index Name: ttl_timestamp_1
ttl_timestamp: 1
Index Name: link_id_1
link_id: 1
Index Name: location_id_1_status_1_active_1_priority_-1
location_id: 1
status: 1
active: 1
priority: -1
Index Name: location_id_1_static_1
location_id: 1
static: 1
Index Name: location_id_1_name_1
location_id: 1
name: 1
Index Name: ping_timestamp_ttl_1
ping_timestamp_ttl: 1
Index Name: authorities_1
authorities: 1

I will look into adding those indexes but if the indexes are modified manually the Pritunl host will restore them and remove unknown indexes when the service is started again.

Thanks Zach!