Buy Premium License for server on AWS

Hi all ,

I am interested in Pritunl Premium version. I would like to install it on AWS ec2 server. Please tell me information about this : Price , vouchers, suitable edtion or any notice …

I tried to send email to but has no respond . Is there any way to contact sales support or customer support?

Please provide me any advices

Thanks a lot

The homepage has the subscription plans listed.

If I purchase Enterprise package , then I will get a license key to active it on my server , right?
My scenario is : I wanto deploy Pritunl VPN server on AWS ec2. And then need license to active features, not use Pritunl Cloud.

Pritunl Cloud is a virtualization product under development, it’s unrelated to the VPN server. The installation instructions for Pritunl are the same with or without a subscription. Once the server is configured a license can be added or removed from the web console. The account plan can be switched between premium and enterprise but this must be done manually by contacting the support email. A new account can also be created to switch plans. There’s nothing in the license linked to the server configuration, license keys can be switched without effecting the server configuration.

Hi @zach
Glad to see your feedback.

I am not clear about this situation , please help me by clearing my concern :
My system have many stores , I want to set up VPN site to site between each store to my Main Pritunl server ( will be deployed on AWS ).

  1. Connection type : VPN site to site , device at store is Fortigate.
  2. Quantity of stores : 45 , how many maximum VPN channel Site to site if I use Enterprise edition.
  3. On “Pritunl - Open Source Enterprise Distributed OpenVPN, IPsec and WireGuard Server” , price for Enterprise is $70.month , is that all or need any criteria? , could you please provide me document how to deploy Pritunl server , I also need to check requirement of hardware and dependencies.

I would appreciate it if you could share that information as well.

There’s documentation on using Pritunl Link with IPsec routers for site to site configurations. None of the subscriptions limit how many users, connections or site-to-site links can be configured and there is no additional costs for it.


I want to verify one thing , if I want to deploy Pritunl on my server ( not use Pritunl cloud ) , how much for the license to install on on-prem ?

The license cost is the same for every deployment.


I already purchased Enterprise license. I installed the Pritunl server also. Could you please provide me guideline how to setup Site to site using IPsec method ? I want to set up VPN between pritunl server and my office network ( using Fortigate device)

The link documentation and IPsec router documentation has more information.


Hello Zach ,

I purchased Enterprise license $70 and subscribe on my server. But we make mistake by config autoscaling , then the Pritunl server clone to 2 ea. Immediately we delete the clone server after a min.

We see the status of subscription like this :

The clone server was deleted but system still count quantity is 2 and status is trial. Please help us fix it.

Thanks with best regards.

The charges are prorated, the amount shown is the monthly amount that it would cost to continue to run that quantity. It updates every few hours and will return to the original amount when the additional hosts are stopped. During the trial there are no charges so it won’t have an effect until the trial ends.