Can't install Pritunl on rhel-9


I’m trying to install pritunl on rhel-v9, I follow the pritunl documentation which uses for rhel this Pritunl Repository :
baseurl=Index of /stable/yum/oraclelinux/8/

I got an error:
(- nothing provides needed for pritunl-1.30.3354.99-1.el8.oraclelinux.x86_64)

Can we install Pritunl on rhel-v9 (is it supported)? Which repository should we use for this?

Thank you,

The Pritunl server currently isn’t packaged for RHEL 9.

Thank you for your answer. When will it be available for RHEL-9? What is the latest supported version of RHEL?

For the Pritunl VPN server only RHEL 7 and RHEL 8 are supported. Most of the other packages including Pritunl Client GUI+CLI, Pritunl Zero, Pritunl Cloud and Pritunl Link are built for AlmaLinux 9 but this is currently undocumented. These would be available in the repository. The Pritunl VPN server has SELinux policies that must be updated with each RHEL release which takes additional time. There’s no planned date for when this will be available.

Ok, thank you