I’ve a Pritunl enterprise subscription, i’m trying to access private hosted zone record but unable to do so. I am able to access the private ip, and the private DNS is also being resolved from the private instance, but unable to do so when i’m connected to Pritunl.
In my server settings -
I’ve enabled DNS routing and
Added, as my DNS server ( being my VPC CIDR)
Added a NAT route -
can someone please help what is being missed here? Tried with multiple configuration changes but unable to make it work.
Only the AWS DNS server should be configured in the server settings, macOS will prioritize even if it is not the first server. The client DNS mapping option should also be enabled to proxy DNS requests through the Pritunl server.
I made sure the AWS DNS server in settings, and enabled the DNS mapping option as well along with the NAT route /32. But still not able to do so which is strange. Could you please guide further on how can I resolve this?