We’re trying to set up a replicated (with 2 hosts) environment.
A requirement is the clients should not be able to communicate with each other - this is what we have set up:
in the server config:
- Inter-Client routing is disabled (un-checked)
- VXLan Routing is enabled (checked)
- Replication count is 2
- Restrict Routing is enabled (checked)
AWS SG is configured to be wide open for testing purposes, allowing all traffic from
And we have Cloud Advertise enabled on the virtual network in for the pritunl server. The other routes defined in the Pritunl Server are non-Nat without cloud advertise enabled.
In AWS the network interfaces used by the pritunl hosts have source/dest check disabled
At the VPC level in AWS, we can see pritunl has managed routes for the pritunl server as well as for vxlan networks.
So a generic configuration is as follows:
Priutnl Host 1 ip:
Pritunl Host 2 ip:
AWS VPC routes from pritunl: using eni from pritunl host 1 using eni from pritunl host 2
and a route for vxlan, one over pritunl host 1 and one over pritunl host 2
if the pritunl client is connected to pritunl host 1, it can connect to but not
if the pritunl client is connected to pritunl host 2, it can connect to but not
if we enabled inter-client routing, it all seems to work but we really can’t have our clients able to communicate with each other.
Is there something we’re missing to use replication without inter-client routing being enabled?