Couple of questions


I did not found answers for next questions, which are important for me to take in consideration pritunl.
So, thank you in advance for answers on next questions:

  1. Does pritunl SSO work with more than one workspace (google)?
  2. Do you have a discount for a 3-5 years agreement?
  3. Is it possible to set up on clients mac os, windows and linux login screen which will force them to first login to VPN?
  4. Is it possible to create two different conf. for the same user (for example one for mobile and one for desktop)?
  5. Regarding the question under, is it possible for one user to use more than one connection at the same time?
  6. Is it possible to set a firewall filter per user group?

thank you !

Multiple Google domains can be configured but only one Google API key can be configured. This API key would need to be valid for all the Google users.

There’s no annual subscriptions or discounts for longer subscriptions.

When the system profile and autostart option is enabled in the client profile settings the connection will start before user login.

Multiple connections are supported.

There’s no per user firewall options.

Hi, thank you for answers, i have additional questions:

first: Is that mean that if i have 2 g workspaces, only one can be used at the time?

regarding 3/4: So i can set 2 different conf. (one for mobile and one for laptop) for same user and he can use both in same time?

last: Do you maybe have some workaround about it? is that mean that user can add routes by himself and can access to network where not should access ?

Two Pritunl environments with a separate database would need to be configured.

Users can be attached to multiple servers and all the profiles will be imported.

If the route to route all internet traffic isn’t in the server routes the server will restrict access using iptables rules. This is controlled by the restrict routing option in the server settings.