Devices on existing network can't reach server at all


This is likely quite a noob question as I’m very new to this level of networking in general. I’ve recently setup Pritunl VPN for the company I work for. My goal is to effectively make it so if you connect to the VPN, you’re on the office network as if you were physically there. To that end, the virtual network IP range that I selected is the same range of IP addresses used in the office. While people in other offices, and remote can reach the VPN just fine, anyone already in the office and any servers running on that network can’t reach the VPN or the VPN website at all. The connection just times out.

Virtual Network:
Actual Office Network:
VPN Server: 10.1.0.**

I suspect I’ve made a rookie mistake here, but I can’t figure out the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

To accomplish that it would require a bridged configuration, it requires much more than just changing the VPN network. Bridged configurations often won’t work unless the local network and server is configured to allow it. Changing only the virtual network will not do anything.

There is also the option of disabling NAT on the local network route and adding the virtual network to the local network routing table.