How to get Wireguard Client Config?


I know that Pritunl has its own VPN client but is it possible to use a different Wireguard VPN Client and how to find the configuration for each user?

In the UI i don’t see a way to download the config. It would be nice if that’s possible.

The idea is that If I use the official Wireguard VPN Client for other VPN connections and it would be nice if i can use the same also with Pritunl without installing new application.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,
Ali Nebi

Pritunl has additional authentication and connection management for WireGuard connections that is only available in the Pritunl client. A temporary WireGuard key is generated for each connection and is removed when the connection ends. The WireGuard documentation section has more information.

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Thank you very much for the detailed information. I’ll ask the team to use pritunl client in this case :slight_smile:

Best regards,
Ali Nebi