IPSEC site to site on multiple aws accounts

In the directions for IPSEC Site to Site in AWS how can I handle
AWS and set the access key and secret key to role

How can I deal multiple aws account when there is only space for one access key and secrete or is there another way to connect my multiple accounts?

For pritunl-link the access key would be set on the pritunl-link client using the command shown in that documentation. The key in the Pritunl web console is for the route advertisements on VPN servers. The Pritunl server does not function as a link client. Every link must have at least two locations and one host in each location. The pritunl-link client should not be run on the same instance as a Pritunl server.

I have two separate ec2 instance running pritunl-link, besides the primary pritunl vpn server

having followed Site-to-Site with IPsec
and modifying it a tad to match my needs, I am unable to route traffic over the pritunl-link.
When I was creating the pritunl-link it automatically created peer unlike in the document and when I deleted it and tested the “ipsec statusall” there was no peer so I added it back in and it now has a state of interlink latency disconnected and there are nothing in /var/logs for pritunl-link.
How can I get traffic from my vpn client to the poc-next-pritunl-link subnet?


That configuration should not have cloud advertised enabled for the virtual network. The routes are using NAT and the virtual network is not available to the link.

Verify the firewalls are configured correctly on each VPC to accept traffic from the other VPC.