Load balancing

Hello @zach !
can pritunl zero node will be able to health check the services to make better forwarding decision in the near futur to enable proper load balancing ?

Pritunl Cloud has a load balancer with healthchecks, automatic failover and request retrying. This code will eventually be moved to Pritunl Zero with the authentication added. There’s no planned date on when this will happen.

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How will you load balance pritunl zero ui in a multi-cloud architecture ? Using cloudflare load balancing ? Thanks

The load balancer functionality in Pritunl Zero would handle routing web requests from the Pritunl Zero server to the multiple internal service servers. Pritunl Zero can already function behind a load balancer. Once multiple Pritunl Zero nodes are connected to the same database any load balancer can be configured in front of the Pritunl Zero nodes. In the nodes settings there are options Forwarded for header and Forwarded proto header to set the header names that will provide the end users IP address and protocol.

not the answer i was expecting but i understand not giving recommendation and staying neutral !
also even if we add our self signed root certificate to the pritunl zero host, it will not make use of it for service with https internal load balancer !
anyway we can add root certificate to pritunl zero services in the futur ?

Custom root certificates can be added to the trusted certificates on the Linux system. Each Linux distribution has options for doing this.