Migrate db

I’m currently using the enterprise version of pritunl. The VPN server and Mongo DB is installed on the same server. Let’s say this is in AWS US WEST.
Now I have a need to deploy another VPN server in a different region, this time in AWS US EAST. What is the easiest way to connect this VPN server to the DB that is in US WEST.

The Pritunl server will need a way to access the MongoDB server. If this is done over the internet the securing MongoDB documentation has information on securing the database.

Are there instructions on how to connect a pritunl vpn server to a remote MongoDB server that lives on another printunl vpn server?

Only the URI in /etc/pritunl.conf needs to be updated. The MongoDB server will need to be configured with bindIp: to accept remote traffic. Authentication should be enabled when doing this, the securing MongoDB documentation has information on this.

I was able to follow the instructions and secure the MongoDB with a username and password. My local printul server (i.e. the same as the mongodb server) can now connect to MongoDB with authentication. I will also configure my remote pritunl server to connect to the same MongoDB. Since the remote pritunl vpn server will be traversing the internet, I would like to turn on SSL for the MongoDB. Since my printul server is already using Let’s Encrypt, is it possible for me to reuse the same certificate for MongoDB? If so, where is the private key located on Pritunl server? I need to reference this key in the mongoDB config file. Thx.

I have the same question.

I wasn’t able to reuse the Let’s Encrypt cert. Instead, I used my own cert for MongoDB.