Oracle 7 repo not getting updates

Oracle 7 repo - Index of /stable/yum/oraclelinux/7/

The last pritunl version in repo is: pritunl-1.30.3354.99-1.el7.oraclelinux.x86_64.rpm

Most current release is: pritunl v1.30.3414.5

Pritunl v1.30.3354.99 is the latest stable release. The newer releases are in the unstable repository, once testing is completed the release will move to the stable repository.

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Thank you. This explains it.

We were using an RSS feed of Releases · pritunl/pritunl · GitHub to track when it’s time to upgrade. Am I correct in saying that page doesn’t indicate “stable” and “unstable”?

There’s no indication anywhere on the GitHub repository to indicate when a release is available in the stable repository.

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Thank you.