Package pritunl-client-electron missing on ubuntu 22.04

I use the guide on your site to try to install pritunl-client-electron but this package does not exists for ubuntu 22.04 anymore (I already install last year in my old notebook without any issue).

I use this playbook to install (I only install things using ansible…):

## Instalação do printunl em UBUNTU
- hosts: "{{ target | default('localhost')}}"
  become: true
  user: root
  become_method: sudo



    - name: Add an apt key for pritunl
        id: 7568D9BB55FF9E5287D586017AE645C0CF8E292A

    - name: Add specified repository for pritunl into sources list
        repo: "deb {{ansible_distribution_release}} main"
        state: present

    - debug: msg="{{ansible_distribution_release}} "

    - name: Install pritunl client
        name: pritunl-client-electron
        state: present
        update_cache: yes
        - packages

After run the playbook (or manualy your steps) I can see some packages from pritunl but not electron.

apt-cache search pritunl
pritunl - Enterprise VPN Server
pritunl-client - Pritunl OpenVPN CLI Client
pritunl-cloud - Pritunl Cloud
pritunl-endpoint - Pritunl Endpoint
pritunl-link - Enterprise VPN Link Server
pritunl-ndppd - NDP Proxy Daemon
pritunl-ssh - Pritunl Zero SSH Client
pritunl-ssh-host - Pritunl Zero SSH Host Client
pritunl-strongswan - Open Source IPsec Implementation
pritunl-zero - Pritunl Zero

I try too to update gpt trusted key but no luck
gpg --armor --export 7568D9BB55FF9E5287D586017AE645C0CF8E292A | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/pritunl.asc

Typically for the GUI client distribution support is removed quickly due build errors from outdated packages being very common with Electron. With the latest client release it was done much sooner to remove all distributions that don’t have Node.js 18 or newer. Previously the third party 18 repository was used to build the package on these distributions. For Ubuntu only 23.10 and 24.04 have Node.js 18. For RHEL 9 it is available with the nodejs:18 module. Arch Linux and Fedora have Node.js 20 or 22. Below is a list of the build targets for the latest release. This would also be shown on the Pritunl Client releases.


Can you recommend a work around for using on ubuntu 22.04 jammy? I have used this fine in the past, and now i have a new computer and I need to get to my clients site immediately.

Download the package directly from the Pritunl Client v1.3.3814.40 release.

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I was able to install that and get connected. Thank you for providing that very helpful info.