Premium subscription, how to get the license key


We are using the Pritunl premium paid version and at times when there is any crash in Pritunl auth service our Google Signon is not working and the subscription page asks for the License key to enter.

Each month we are getting the Autorenewal email, but we are not getting the license key for that month’s subscription, where to get the License key of that subscription?
MicrosoftTeams-image (10) -

This is what we will see at times

Verify that the subscription is a Pritunl Zero subscription. Pritunl Premium is only for the Pritunl VPN server that license key won’t work on Pritunl Zero. The license key won’t change, if the server has network issues and fails to connect to the subscription server that page will be shown but the license key hasn’t been removed. If connectivity is restored the license would be shown again.

Yes it is Pritunl Zero. So the license key will be a one time key and it will change?

The license key should only need to be set once. If you see the subscription status change check the logs tab for errors.