Pritunl Enterprise license inactive

Our Pritunl Enterprise subscription lapsed due to an expired CC.
We renewed it with a new CC; however, its still showing as inactive.
How long does it take for it to re-activate?
Is there anything we need to do to activate it again?
We’ve also sent an email to; however, no reply yet.

The reason these issues occur is due to the migration to the new Stripe billing portal. Attempting to use the checkout in the older versions of Pritunl will not work. Either the server needs to be updated or the link in the email needs to be used.

Also anytime an issue occurs with a subscription a new trial can always be created using the checkout at and that license key can be temporarily used until the existing account is fixed. There is no connection or shared data with the server and the license key. It can be removed and changed without effecting the configuration.

Thank you. It looks like our subscription is active again.
For future reference, what is the best way to update our server?

Updates are done with the system package manager. The Ubuntu Xenial and CentOS repositories were discontinued, all other distributions have the latest version available. For Ubuntu Xenial it will need to be first updated to a newer version of Ubuntu. The CentOS repository can be replaced with the Oracle Linux listed in the repositories documentation. CentOS was discontinued by RedHat and these systems will need to be transisition to Oracle Linux using the CentOS to Oracle Linux script.

I’m using Ubuntu Focal Fossa. Is the update available from the package manager for this release of Ubuntu?