Pritunl Link client IPsec option

Hello, we use Pritunl Enterprise IPsec site-to-site links in some cases with static routers. It turns out that there are compatibility issues that cause a connection drop regularly.

This could be solved by adding an option in the ipsec conf created by the link client. Unfortunately, this seems to keep getting overwritten. Is there any way to include a custom option for the connection?

Custom options have been added to the repository, this will be available in the next release. It can be installed from source with the commands below.

sudo dnf -y install go git
go install
sudo cp -f ~/go/bin/pritunl-link /usr/bin/pritunl-link
sudo systemctl restart pritunl-link
sudo pritunl-link custom-option-add fragmentation=yes

Thank you for teh fast response, this helps to improve compatibility. Will it also be possible to adapt more existing options such as Lifetime, DPD, Mobike, etc. in the future?

The existing options can be included in the optional options to replace the existing value.