Pritunl server DNS entry for replicated configuration

I might be missing something obvious here, but we’re looking to set up something like the diagram from Replicated Servers

if the clients connect to pritunl vpn using a hostname (e.g. should that DNS record be configured to resolve to both and (again, those IPs are from the diagram in the link above) for redudnancy purposes? if it resolves to just a single IP and that server goes down it seems like that’s a single point of failure.

I just haven’t see any documentation on how to configure the entry for the pritunl server DNS record when multiple hosts are used.

The public address option in the host settings should always be either a domain or an IP to that host only. The client will handle randomly selecting a host and failover to other hosts. The sync address in the advanced host settings and if configured connection single sign-on domain in the top right settings should be a domain to either multiple hosts or a load balancer for the web server.