Pritunl Update possible regression

Hello everybody,

i just updated our Pritunl Instance and found a possible regression: The OpenVPN-Server does not push all the DNS Search Domains anymore.

Old Version / everything working fine: v1.32.3805.95 77dbc6
New Version / possible regression: v1.32.3897.75 77dbc6

The original problem was discussed in this forum: Pritunl VPN DNS-Search Domain configuration - #5 by zach

With the new version, we´re seeing, that only the primary DNS Search Domain gets pushed to the clients again. If we switch back to the old version, we´re seeing, that we correctly getting multiple DNS Search Domains published to the client.

We are currently using the: jammy main


We are staying on the old version. By the way: Thanks for the development of this software solution!


There was some test code that was accidentally included in that release, it was never intended to be moved to the stable repository. The stable release is back to the previous v1.32.3805.95. The code has been fixed in the repository but this next release includes the refactored MongoDB code and will take additional time to finish testing.

Hello Zach,

thank you very much for the information. Good to know, that we can just use the next release.
