Pritunl vpn clinet private network app access

We have our private application hosted on private subnets in AWS . we had created a Pritunl VPN on a public EC2 instance. We are unable to access the application via Pritunl VPN Clinet. We are using free version of pritunl
Private application under private subnet under same VPC.

Application open with DNS name, we have local DNS server under private subnet


We need to access host which application server .

Kindly advice regarding this and how we can achieve the same.

The Pritunl server needs a public IP, it will need to be placed on a public subnet. Then VPC peering can be used to provide the public subnet access to the private subnet.


Yes we do have public ip and server is placed on public subnet.

Once we connect vpnclient Gateway ip of vpn pool not showing, ip is releasing and DNS also getting.

If you are configuring the VPC subnet as the VPN virtual network that will not work. The VPN virtual network should be a different network and the VPC subnets should be added to the server routes and the route should be removed.