Are there hard limits on the number of services I can assign to a single node? Or is it just limited by the amount of resources the underlying VM has?
I also have another small question: I have assigned quite a lot of services to a single node (I know, it was probably not meant to assign that many services - but it works perfectly well). The huge amount of services leads to a big confusing list. It would probably be clearer to arrange the assigned services in a horizontal list and sort them alphabetically. Or in some other way (e.g. in a table).
I added a new component to switch to a menu after 6 services are selected, this is shown below. Clicking a service in the menu removes it and the menu stays open to quickly remove services. This will be included in the next release.
There is no limit on the number of services. The services only consume a small record that the web server matches the domain from incoming requests against. One host could have thousands of services.