Restrict Pritunl Login GUI on Gateway of VPN Servers


I have an issue where any user connected to my network is able to access the Pritunl login GUI if they type the gateway of any VPN server I have provisioned, running on private IP pools. Naturally, this is a huge security risk and we want to restrict this login for the Public IP of the Pritunl server itself for administrator use. From my understanding, the gateway will divert all traffic to the public IP of the server due to which this login appears but is there any way that I can stop this from happening and restrict the login page for only the intended administrators? Thanks for any help in advance!

Blocking access to that will break WireGuard support. An iptables rule will need to be added to block access such as sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp -s --dport 443 -j DROP

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Thanks for the support, zach :slight_smile: