Running Pritunl behind an Apache2 reverse proxy

Hi, everything seems to be working correctly, the certificate comes from letsencrypt, i followed the documentation on disabling ssl and configuring other things, the pritunl server is running on port 2435 because apache is already on 80 and 443, but i can’t remove this unsecured warning. You can see its HTTPS but it doesn’t do the trick. Screenshots:

(Screenshot of the issue)
Capture d’écran du 2023-10-18 13-25-48

Its running on Ubuntu Server 22.04.3 LTS in ProxMox.

Here is my Apache2 config:

That appears to be an issue with the Lets Encrypt certificate on the Apache server. Verify Lets Encrypt is working correctly.

The load balancing documentation has information on configuring this. There is also an HAProxy configuration example.