Setup VPN solution which supports multi VPCs in AWS

Hello team,

We’ve an enterprise subscription, and trying to setup a centralised VPN solution where we can have connection with multiple VPCs in AWS. For this, have a Pritunl server on a separate VPC (vpn vpc), and this VPC is peering with few application VPCs. The idea is once the peering is done, we want to setup routes on the server and user/org level so that - orgA can only route to vpc cidr and orgB to vpc cidr but unable to do so.

I need some assistance to achieve the above use case. Or any different way this can be done.

When using VPC peering NAT must be used for the routes, AWS VPC peering will not forward traffic for non-VPC subnets.

After the peering is configured create two servers with the routes for each organization and attach the organizations to the correct server. The servers will prevent access to networks that are not in the server routes.