We are experiencing technical difficulties after attempting to remove the route in our Pritunl VPN, which has impacted communication with some essential services. One of the critical issues we’ve identified is related to the connection with our database hosted on Azure, which is configured with a public DNS only. This has become a stumbling block when we try to remove the route and add either the Azure database IP range or individual IPs, as the database does not support direct connection via private IP.
Is there a way to enable connectivity to the Azure SQL database, currently accessed through a DNS with the domain “.database.windows.net”, while removing the route from Pritunl?
Hi Zach,
Actually, what we need is configure appropriate routes in Pritunl to reach our Azure SQL Databases. These Azure SQL have some public domains (reaching public dynamic IPs), such as: mydatabase.database.windows.net
We currently have a route configured on Pritunl, which means that every request our clients make will be routed through Pritunl, which we don’t want, because we pay much more data transfer on AWS to it (where the Pritunl server is hosted).
What we want is to forward requests to Azure IPs, by creating specific routes within Pritunl, ir order to be able to remove this
We already tried to set known Azure Public IPs, such as these list: Azure Speed Test
But it didn’t work, the traffic isn’t routed to Pritunl, although the DNS lookup for the mydatabase.database.windows.net indeed resolve to some IP range of this list.
This test has already been performed, and the IPs have been added directly to the Printunl, yet it still does not work. Is there another solution for this issue?
Hi @zach .Azure has a set of known IPs. The SQL Server/database we want to reach is in Brazil South region. We have a firewall rule in this database to allow connections from the Pritunl Server IP, hosted in an AWS account.
Currently we have a route configured in the Pritunl Server. It means that once connected, clients will route all traffic through Pritunl. With this, users are able to establish the connection to Azure SQL database. However, the side effect is that literally all traffic is redirect through Pritunl:
If works and the routes don’t you have either not added the complete range of utilized addresses or the NAT option is disabled on the routes. For a public IP the NAT option must be enabled.