Unable to finish install on Rocky Linux 9

I’m testing out a new install of Pritunl using Rocky Linux 9, but can’t finish the install as packages are missing from the repos. I’ve check stable & unstable but the packages just aren’t available. Is the build system failing or is Rocky Linux 9 unsupported at this time?

Supporting RHEL 9 will require updating the SELinux policies which hasn’t been done. For now it is recommended to use RHEL 8 distributions.

Do we have some RoadMap since Oracle Linux 9 and RHEL9 were released in 2022?

Thanks for the clarification Zach. I’ll re-deploy my VM under Rock Linux 8.

The RHEL 9 SELinux policies have been completed and RHEL 9 builds will be included in the next release.

Is the new release for RHEL9 already available? If not, is there an approximate release date? I’m thinking about whether it still makes sense to set up an “old” RHEL8 server.

I can see a release from a week ago (here) but failed to install on Orace Linux 9.3. I use the current Oracle Linux 9 repository, found here.

There is an Oracle Linux 9 release in the unstable repository, I haven’t finished the SELinux policies for it. Below are the commands to install on Oracle Linux 9. There are still a lot of SELinux errors that need to be fixed and SELinux would need to be disabled to run the server.

sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/pritunl.repo << EOF
name=Pritunl Repository

sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-6.0.repo << EOF
name=MongoDB Repository

sudo yum -y install oracle-epel-release-el9
sudo yum-config-manager --enable ol9_developer_EPEL

sudo yum -y install pritunl mongodb-org
sudo systemctl start mongod pritunl
sudo systemctl enable mongod pritunl
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@zach Thank you very much for the detailed instructions. We’ll start by installing a new productive server on version 8 initially, and additionally set up one on version 9 with SELinux functionality disabled for testing purposes.

I believe we’ll then attempt to port the setup from version 8 to version 9 once it’s production-ready.