User expire date and time

I didn’t find any option for Users expire date and time setting, I’ve searched through documentation and found nothing about that.
is there anything to control users subscription time?

This is a feature in Pritunl Zero and Pritunl Cloud in the user settings. There isn’t any option for expiring users in the Pritunl VPN server.

Isn’t this option one of the major requirements for every VPN Server? I’m really shocked :astonished:

I’d like to expand on this and see if it’s possible to expire an account that has not signed into Pritunl for over X days. Is it possible to disable a user VIA the command line or API?

If you can disable a user VIA the command line then you could also setup a script to expire a user after X days per the posters original request.

Newer releases show last active and have an option to sort by last active in the web console. Both the API and database could be used to find and disable the users.